Dear all,
Twelfth Night has passed, and cheese supplies may be dwindling, but fear not, said (s)he, — Christmas isn't over yet! I'm one of those people who stretches festive attire, foil streamers, and fairy lights all the way to Candlemas on February 2nd*. Back in my previous parish, this habit made our house stand out as everyone else packed up by New Year — if not by Boxing Day! But it’s a tradition we hold dear, and it’s sparked some fascinating conversations over the years.
Another tradition I cherish is chalking the door at Epiphany. Marking a blessing for hope, strength, and protection for the year ahead is such a visible, meaningful act. Yet, I know both these practices can feel “too Catholic” for some. Personally, I think it’s up to each of us to make of them what we will.
And that, in essence, has been at the heart of my reflections these past weeks. So much of what we do—and who we are—gets defined by others and the boxes they think we should fit into. But God isn’t box-shaped. God meets us in our need, often in the most unexpected and surprising ways. I’ve heard so many encouraging, positive stories from folk where conversations that had been expected to be messy and difficult have instead been incredibly uplifting. Sometimes the cost we are prepared to pay, is not actually demanded.
God’s heart constantly shows us that there is always more: more grace, more possibility, more room at the inn. Yet, I also understand the weariness that comes with striving for inclusion, accessibility, and diversity—the knocking at the door, daring to hope, only to find we’re still not there, we’re still not valued or truly welcome. This is when and where we see the pricelessness of having allies.
The truth lies somewhere between these extremes. Our challenge is to hold both, the joy of progress and the pain of rejection. So, friends, take a moment to pause and look back at how far we’ve already come. In doing so, may we find reason to dance again, knowing we are never as alone as we might think.
My thanks, once again, to all those who have contributed to this edition of the newsletter in various ways. Hearing your stories is such a joy! And do watch this space for the opportunity to stock up on some reduced price Inclusive Church resources in time for Lent to further support you on your inclusive journeys…
With every blessing,