Inclusive Church works with a broad range of partners on projects and events.
One project we worked on with multiple partners recently was the Synod Elections Campaign 2021.
We work with our regular partner, St Martin-in-the-Fields, to put on the annual Conference on Disability and Church each year.
Another regular project with partners each year is Greenbelt Festival (see photo above), at which we often share a stall with WATCH and/or another partner.
Some of our projects and events are one-off, for example when we are invited to speak to a gathering or to write for a publication. A major project we undertook with the publisher DLT a few years ago was the creation of our book series.
A group of our partners, going by the name of ‘Power in Partnership’, has been working on a number of projects, including the combining of church directories into one (see the statement on the directory page) and the consultation on inclusive online church.