Make Room at the Inn
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Churches can be places offering a huge amount of service and support to those who live with a lack of economic power. However, similarly to the attitudes which persist in churches towards disabled people, people who are living in poverty are often the object of charity but not empowered and given agency in their lives- we ‘do to’ people rather than ‘being with’ them. Many living in poverty experience exclusion and stigma from faith communities, and there are things that churches could do better to ensure this doesn’t happen. The resources here are to support our churches in this work.
For facts and figures on poverty in the UK, go to our partner Church Action on Poverty’s website. Church Action on Poverty also have excellent video resources of people speaking about poverty from the perspective of lived experience, and there are downloadable resources like Bible study collections on their website, which the IC National Coordinator regularly contributes to.
More resources are on the misc resources page.