

“Women comprise half the world’s population yet number 70% of those who live in poverty; they do 75% of the world’s agricultural work whilst owning only 1% of the land; they represent only 20% of the world’s parliamentarians.”
Rosemary Lain Priestley. Gender: 
The Inclusive Church Resource. p. 77.

The Church has long been seen as a patriarchal institution which has reinforced beliefs about inequality between gendered roles, discrimination against women, and rigid heteronormative stereotypes. We seek to educate across a range of gender-based issues within the church. 

The Inclusive Church Resource book (see below) highlights a number of issues related to gender, including issues around the acceptance and affirmation of trans people.

Women and the Church (WATCH)

Women and the Church (WATCH) is an organisation ‘working together for gender justice, equality and inclusion in the Church of England’. WATCH have a seat on the trustee board of Inclusive Church.

The Church and Trans People

At this time in history, it is vitally important that Inclusive Church supports and advocates for trans people, as well as educating Christians on trans identity and gender transitioning. Trans and nonbinary people- especially trans women- face a backlash in society which bears resemblance to the backlash which LGB people faced in the 1980s.

Christina Beardsley and Susan Gilchrist wrote a briefing paper in February 2019 in response to baptismal guidance from the Church of England on transition.

More resources are on our misc resources page.

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