Mental Health: The Inclusive Church Resource

The Inclusive Church Resource book series is published by Darton Longman and Todd.

Designed as resource books for churches, each book has an introduction, theological reflection, stories from lived experience and a practical resource section

Books in the series include Disability by John Hull and Mental Health by Jean Vanier and John Swinton.
Sexuality by Susannah Cornwall, Poverty by Susan Durber, Ethnicity by Michael Jagessar and Gender by Rosemary Lain Priestley. 

The introduction to the Mental Health book is by Eva McIntyre. The theological reflection is by Jean Vanier (2015 Templeton Prize Winner) and John Swinton.
The book has stories of lived experience – including  Paul Taylor’s story

This is a really exciting project for Inclusive Church and we are proud to be working in partnership with DLT.

A comment in from someone who has read the first 2 books:

“Have just received the first books, and dived into one of them. They are excellent, and all churches should have them for the clergy, and PCC.”

Books can be ordered from the publishersor download an order form here. 

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