Disability Conferences

Lighting the Well by Anna Sikorski

Since 2012, the annual conference on Disability and Church has held space for disabled people- to gather, to resource each other and the church. It’s a partnership between St Martin-in-the-Fields & Inclusive Church, working #withnotfor disabled people. If you want to sign up to receive information about Disability Conferences each year, fill in this sign up form. You can also follow the Disability Conference on Twitter: @livingedgeconf

Conference Resources

The booklet ‘Something Worth Sharing’ is available to download for free. It contains ideas, responses and resources from our 2018 conference. It explores access and theology, language and structures, communication and participation.

The booklet ‘Calling from the Edge’ celebrating the first 5 conferences is also available to download. This booklet and ‘Something Worth Sharing’ have been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Westhill Foundation.

Previous Conferences

Below you will find videos and transcripts from previous conferences.

2021 Still Calling from the Edge

Below you will find videos, documents etc from the 2021 conference.

Fiona MacMillan: Introduction to the conference (video)

Sarah: Storyteller (video)

Fiona MacMillan: Keynote Address (video)

Sam Wells: Godly Play (video)

Jemma: Storyteller (video)

Called to the Feast Art Gallery: video with audio description

Emily Richardson: Closing Liturgy (video) (and transcript)

2020 Telling Encounters

Below you will find videos, documents etc from the 2020 conference.

Fiona MacMillan: Introduction to the conference (video)

Naomi Jacobs-Lawson: Storyteller (video) Transcript

Donald Eadie: Encounter (video) Transcript

Sam Wells: Godly Play (video) Introduction (document)

Emily Richardson and Jane Wallman-Girdlestone: Encounter (video) Notes (document)

Workshop: Path through the Woods (video) Introduction (document)

Sam Wells: Narrative Theology (video)

Hannah Lewis: Liturgy (video) Liturgy (pdf)

Gallery: Path through the Woods (video) Introduction (document)

Gallery: Windows on the World (video) Introduction (document)

Documents from the 2020 conference

2019 Thinking Differently About God

Below you will find videos, texts and more from the speakers at the 2019 conference.

Fiona MacMillan: Introduction to the conference (video)

Dan Barnes-Davies: Storyteller (video)

Ann Memmott: Talk on autism and church (video) and Powerpoint presentation.

Sam Wells: Talk on the parable of the persistent widow – part 1 (video) and part 2 (video). Notes from Sam’s talk are here and here.

Rachel Noel: Storyteller (video) and text.

Bingo Allison, Sue Hartley, Krysia Waldock and Philip Hickman: Panel (video) and notes/ pdf presentations: Bingo, Sue (Powerpoint), Sue (pdf), Krysia and Philip.

2019 Conference Eucharist: Liturgy and Poem

Workshop: Descriptions

Sunday morning: liturgy (pdf) and Ann Memmott’s address (audio)

2018 Something Worth Sharing

(all the below links are to videos)

Fiona MacMillan- introduction to conference

Sam Wells (intro prayer) & Nikki Goodhew – storyteller

Sam Wells on practical theology

June Boyce-Tillman on language

Ann Memmott on access

Panel – introductory speeches

2017 Just as I am

Ali Lyon video

Helen Tyers video
and Powerpoint

Darius Traves video
and notes

Panel Discussion video

Sam Wells video

Donald Eadie video
and notes

Saturday Conference closing liturgy (pdf)

Tim Goode Sunday morning sermon (pdf)

Sunday morning healing service for St Luke’s day

2016 Prophets and Seers

Donald Eadie – notes from talk (pdf)

Ann Memmott: notes from talk (pdf)

Emily Richardson: being a digital prophet (pdf)

2015 Living on the Edge

Sam Wells: opening address (pdf)

Ann Memmott talk (Powerpoint slides)

WAVE talk (Powerpoint slides)

Naomi Jacobs talk (Powerpoint slides)

Susan Wolfe presentation (pdf)

Conference Report

2014 Transforming our Vision

Inclusive Church in partnership with St Martin-in-the-Fields  held its 3rd Day Conference in October 2014. Speakers included Professor John Hull. Emeritus Professor or Religious Education University of Birmingham.

2013 Places of Belonging

Places of Belonging was a day-long conference on disability, mental health, inclusion and God hosted by Inclusive Church and St Martin in the Fields at the church in Trafalgar Square.  It brought together 75 people from Greater London and beyond – to pray, to reflect, and to envision new ways of being a community in which everyone’s abilities are valued and shared. Click through to read the Conference Report.

2012 Opening the Roof

In October 2012 in partnership with St Martin in the Fields, Inclusive Church held a national conference: Opening the Roof: Opening the conversation about disability. Click through to read the Conference Report.

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