Month: March 2022

‘Perfectly and wonderfully made’: Fiona Macmillan speaks at the General Synod launch of the booklet ‘Something Worth Sharing’

Good afternoon Synod members. I’m Fiona MacMillan and, like many of you, I’m a new member of Synod.  I’m also a trustee of Inclusive Church, chair the Disability Advisory Group at St Martin in the Fields and lead the planning team for an annual conference on disability and church which has been running since 2012. […]

Pandemic Learnings: Emily Richardson speaks at the General Synod launch of the booklet ‘Something Worth Sharing’

It feels strange to be speaking about this booklet here and now. I had to go back and read the contents, including things I had written. We took this booklet to Greenbelt in 2019. It feels like another world. Gathering, mingling, sharing in person. And yet, when I reflect on the last two years, I […]